Sunday, May 8, 2011

7 days later...

... since the OC marathon and I've managed to log in almost 36 mi!  Not bad considering this week is supposed to be a recovery week.  I've noticed that a lot of the solo runs (sort of solo anyway, I was running with Lilo) were at a slower pace than when I ran with Alison and Joe on Saturday.  I guess no matter how much I want to run my own pace, when running with someone, I do tend to get a bit of a competitive edge.

I've been eating a bit too much and foods that have been weighing heavily in my stomach.  It's definitely had an effect on my performance as well. Today's run was tough as I was burping up lunch from 6 hours prior. Running certainly does tell you what you're doing wrong and my diet this weekend wasn't exactly runner friendly.

This weeks marks a new week and it's also the last week of long runs before the taper down.  My body is needing it.

05/02/2011 - 2.5 mi run Garmin Stats
05/04/2011 - 8 mi run Garmin Stats
05/06/2011 - 5 mi run Garmin Stats
05/07/2011 - 12 mi run Garmin stats
05/08/2011 - 8 mi run Garmin Stats

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