Thursday, April 28, 2011

5 mi run - each at a different location this week!

It's really nice to switch up the venue of my runs.  Tuesday was at Miramar Lake, yesterday was around campus, and today was around Balboa Park.

This morning I left the house about 6:45am and it already started to feel pretty warm. The sun is pretty intense today (even though it was still fairly cool).  I'm glad that I got it out of the way early because I probably would have been grouchy if I had to run at lunch today.  Legs are feeling a tiny bit heavy, but I think the off day tomorrow and the short 3 mi run on Saturday should get me all set up and ready to run the OC marathon on Sunday.  I have been having a bit of pain on the side of my left foot which I've diagnosed (maybe incorrectly) as a bone spur.  Thinking of getting referred to a sports med doc after this race to see what s/he thinks.

5 mi run - UCSD loop / Celgene - Garmin stats

5 mi run - Balboa Park - Garmin Stats

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