Monday, April 26, 2010

2010 La Jolla Half - 1:53:36 ... Woo-muthaf'n-hoo!

I am completely elated at how well I did on the La Jolla Half! 1:53:36, this time is even better than the Carlsbad Half Marathon. I even managed to get a couple of sub 8 min/miles in, thanks to the down hills. =)

At the end of the run, though, my calves were cramping up soooooo badly.  The cramps were so bad that as I was walking, my calves seized up and I fell to the ground.  Luckily it was on the grass, so I didn't hurt myself falling.  I had to flag down a couple of strangers to help me out because I couldn't get rid of it.  I know I didn't drink enough water / vitalyte during the race, but I didn't realize that it would have such a horrible effect afterwards.  I made sure to drink some vitalyte after the race and had a couple of bananas but it didn't help.  Any advise to prevent this from happening in the future would be greatly appreciated.

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