Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Looks like my little wah post earlier encouraged me to run a not-so-bad 5 miler this afternoon.  *Almost* a sub 9 min/mi pace, I blew my load (saying borrowed by Alison ;) ) during the first 3 miles and had to slow down the last 2 miles.

I enjoy running with Joe because he pushes me to run faster (even when he's not trying to).  Sometimes, it gets the better of me and my competitive side kicks in and then kicks me in the butt.  Today, he kept pace with me and it turned out to be a pretty good run.  Thanks, Joey. <3

5 mi run - Balboa Park Garmin stats

Trying to Get my Groove Back!

After the SD RnR, I was determined to give myself at least a week's rest from running.  I've been feeling absolutely drained / tired since probably the beginning of the year.  I've had blood tests done, catching up on sleep on weekends, made small tweaks to my diet... and it seems the only thing I have not tried was giving myself enough rest between marathons for recovery.  Granted, I did not give myself a full week (I waited 4 days before I was fiending for a run), but have not stuck to my SF marathon schedule to allow myself a little more time to recover.  The result?  Still tired and now, I feel like I'm losing my motivation to get out there and run.

Perhaps I set the bar a little bit too high aiming for 5 marathons in a year and the desire to want to finish all of them within a few minutes of my PR  I figured I liked running enough, that signing up for those marathons wouldn't be too big of a deal, since I would be consistently running/training than doing an event, then taking a month or so off before I'd start training again for the next one.

I'm attempting to switch back to early morning runs and hoping that will reignite my desire to run.  At the end of the day, I'm exhausted and probably hungry and cranky and the idea of running instead of laying on the couch and vegging is way more desirable.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Thoughts?  Comments?

Monday, June 13, 2011

The most difficult 5 mi... EVER.

Tonight's run felt like it was the toughest 5 miles I ever had to run in my life.  My chest felt tight and I couldn't get my breathing down.  It might have something to do with the humidity.  There was a huge crowd of people when we got to the space theatre.  Looked like a high school was having their graduation the same time Joe and I decided to go for a run.  How inconsiderate of them.

When it got where I thought I couldn't handle it, I just closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the wind on my face.  It kept me going.  Turned out I was keeping a decent pace.  Glad I got out there.

5 mi Balboa Park Garmin Stats

Monday, June 6, 2011

2011 SD RnR: 3 down, 2 to go...

My initial goal was to get a sub 4 marathon.  With all the races signed up this year, I decided that it wouldn't be too much of a disappointment if I didn't attain a sub 4, but anything within the range of 4 to 4:15 would make me happy...
Alison, me and Joe: We're pottying like Rockstars!  In line for the porta-johns pre-race.
I remember feeling pretty good, both mentally and physically, running the first 10 miles. The run through Balboa Park and downtown San Diego was pleasant because the morning air was still crisp and cool.  Even running up the southbound lane on the 163 felt all right.  It didn't feel like a hill, but my legs did start to feel sluggish and heavy.  After that gradual uphill and then hauling ass downhill, I started to get a bit of muscle soreness, so I decided to stop at a medical aid tent and take some Tylenol for preventative measures around mile 11.  I could feel my legs fatiguing, especially my quads.  I felt like I was going to pass out between miles 14 and 15 despite fueling up every 6 miles with shot blocks and drinking both Cytomax and water at each of the stations.  I picked up a salt packet from one of the volunteers and got about 1/4 of it all over my face and successfully the rest of it in my mouth.  It helped out quite a bit and was able to get back into my stride.  The out and backs at Morena Blvd. and Mission Bay Dr. started to psych me out a bit, but I fought the thoughts from driving me crazy.

One foot in front of the other... repeat... - Mile 18ish
My running inspriation - Mile 18ish
I only had a short 3 miles left before entering my evil nemesis, Fiesta Island.  I just don't know what it is about that island, it feels like it sucks all my energy.  I'm pretty sure that most of it is mental, though, I'm not sure where it originated from as I have run that island many many times for my SDRnR training last year and some this year. Whatever it is, I'm sure it is completely mental now.  Joey gave an excellent suggestion that I wish I could have implanted in my head.  When we do our training runs at Fiesta Island, we usually start at the parking lot by the visitor's center and go clockwise around Mission Bay, getting the island out of the way first.  Joe told me that once he passed the parking lot, he told himself that it was the start of a training run, so it made him feel fresh and rejuvenated.  I think if I had those thoughts in my head instead, it would have gotten me through those last 3 hellish miles a lot easier.
Definitely the best spectator / cheerleader... ever.

After exiting Fiesta Island, I had about half a mile to the finish line.  I felt myself getting chocked up like I always do when I'm about to cross the finish line.  I gathered the last bit of energy I had in myself to "sprint" for the finish line.  I crossed the finish line holding up "7" to signify the end of my 7th marathon.  Afterwards, I got too emotional and started to cry, almost hyperventilating.  The best part of finishing a race used to be the medal being placed around my neck... but now I think it is seeing Joe at the end and receiving a great big congratulatory hug from him. =)

The couple that runs together....

The dream team.

I love this race.  The San Diego RnR is the first marathon I ran back in 2005 and still continues to be my favorite (This is the 4th time I've run the SDRnR).  This year, though, was special because I got to run it with Joe.  We had been trying to run this one together for years.  I enjoyed the first 2 miles that I got to run with him before he bolted off to clench his NEW PR of just under 3:44.  As I told him, he will continue to beat his PR with each marathon that he runs this year.  He is awesome and such an inspiration.  I love you, Joey!!

As always, the volunteers, spectators, and bands were fantastic.  The weather was perfect to me, even though the sun was pretty much out and in full blast at 7:30am.  It wasn't too hot since there was a breeze and most of the route was shaded by buildings.  All in all,  a fantastic race despite not attaining my goal.  There are many more races ahead of me. ;)

Congrats to Alison Whitney, Karen Miller, RJ Bates, Derek Mendy, Marvin Reyes and Perla DeGunther!!

Official Finish Time: 04:17:42
2011 SD RnR - Garmin Stats